Organization of bachelor/master projects#
If you are doing your thesis with the group, register with the thesis office before you begin by following the steps below:
Only for master students:
If you are not doing the pre-PhD Casimir Track, write the preparation report and submit it to your supervisor. The guideline on what to include on the report can be found in the studyguide.
If you are doing the long project rotation in the pre-PhD Casimir Track, you do not need to write a preparation report. However, writing a plan is highly recommended. In both cases, your supervisor should sign for approval on your thesis application form (MEP form, ask the program coordinator for it).
Submit the preparation report and the signed application form to your programme coordinator. Your programme coordinator will sign for approval on your application form.
Submit the signed application form to
At the end of your thesis work, follow the steps below:
Make sure you have a committee that satisfies the conditions (check with Yaroslav if not sure)
Book a room for your presentation with the service desk
Send your thesis to
Send an invitation to your MEP defense to QN theory and QuRe mailing lists. If you want, you can also include QN experiment and/or replace QuRe with QuTech mailing list.
When done archive your project on Gitlab
Enroll at
Request diploma at OSA
If you are doing a short rotation in the pre-PhD Casimir Track, you do not need to fill any form in advance, but it is nice to notify the program coordinator (Arno) about it. He will send you a form that needs to be filled by the end of the rotation. These instructions apply only because your rotation is at TU Delft, ask the program coordinator otherwise.