

Jupyter notebooks#

In order to hide the input cells, scrollbar, internal links and set the size of the slides, paste this into a ‘’RawNBConvert’’ cell on top of your Jupyter notebook.

/* Hide inputs and Out[N]: */
.input, .output_prompt {display:none !important;}
div.prompt {display: none}

/* Increase the slides width */
.container { width:80% !important;}
.slides{width: 80% !important; height: 80% !important;}

To convert your slides to ‘’html’’, use: jupyter nbconvert Presentation.ipynb –to slides

Latex beamer#

If you find it useful, here are two Anton’s minimalistic templates for beamer: bright {{::beamercolorthemebright.sty|}} and dark {{::beamercolorthemedark.sty|}}