How to edit the group wiki

How to edit the group wiki#

Edit an existing page#

  • Clone the wiki repository if you haven’t already

  • Navigate to the source folder and find the relevant markdown file.

  • If you’re not sure which file corresponds to the one you’re looking for, check the external table of contents in _toc.yml.

Create a new page#

  • Clone the wiki repository if you haven’t already

  • Create a markdown file in the source folder with a meaningful title.

  • Once you’re done adding your information, open the _toc.yml file.

  • Add your file to the table of contents following the syntax already present.

  • If you want to be sure you did things correctly, it’s a good idea to install yamllint. You can check from the terminal if the changes you made are going to make the pipeline fail, and fix them.

  • If you just want to link to a page directly from an existing page without including it in the table of contents, do so following the markdown syntax [name_of_page](

You can also open an issue instead.