Group curators#

Group members are curators/stewards of various organizational or technical components of the group’s daily activities. Here you can find a description of what each curator does.

Curator of the group wiki#

Current curator: Anton

What I do#

  • Resolve technical problems with the wiki

  • Think of ways to improve the wiki (ease of access to the information it contains, new features)

  • Monitor the quality of the wiki’s contents (outdated information, broken links, etc.)

  • Encourage others to contribute to the wiki :)

I would like to invite everyone to open an issue if they would like to suggest an improvement to the wiki. open new issue

If you’re experiencing a technical issue or other problem with the wiki, you can either open an issue, or write on ~wiki.

Curator of the group meetings#

Current curator: Johanna

What I do#

  • Look for people to present either about coding or physics.

  • Remind people in ~Group meetings.

  • Make sure the schedule is up to date (with people, material and recordings).

  • Think and collect ideas for the group meetings.

  • Encourage others to suggest topics for the group meetings.

If you’d like to give a presentation or know someone who can give one you can either post it in ~Group meetings or let me know.

Aspects to consider when planning a meeting#

  • People tend to not keep track of their time: be explicit about how much time they have and remind them several times.

  • Make sure the speaker is informed of the goal and format of the presentation.

  • Schedule people in advance: they are more likely to agree on giving a presentation.

  • Remind people that the meetings are informal: it may make them feel more comfortable presenting unfinished work.

  • Delegate when possible (recordings, new ideas for meetings).

TODO during the meeting#

  • Book a room with enough space, camera, and microphone.

  • Announce the meeting in ~group-meetings some time in the morning, or before the weekend if it requires preparation, like for an arxiv roundup and projects’ ideas review.

  • Go to the room at 3:20.

  • Turn on the screen, connect the clickshare device and press it until it becomes red, otherwise it does not share screen.

  • Open the zoom meeting, ask for host permission (the key is in ~group-meetings header), and choose the room’s camera and microphone in settings.

  • Wait until people are around to start the meeting and the recording.

  • Introduce the speaker/activity and remind people how much time they have.

  • During the meeting, keep track of the time and suggest postponing long discussions.

  • Upload the recording to surfdrive (in ~group-meetings header).

Curator of parallel computing#

Current curator: Anton

What I do#

  • Resolve technical problems related to the usage of parallel computing.

  • Think of and implement new tools to enable efficient usage of parallel computing.

  • Maintain the dask-quantumtinkerer package.

  • Monitor the group’s usage of hpc05.

  • Make tutorials and manuals that help the group efficiently utilize the tools above.

If you’re experiencing technical issues or have suggestions related to parallel computing, you can let me know by writing in the ~infrastructure channel.

Curator of server infrastructure#

Current curator: Anton

What I do#

  • Keep the group’s gitlab, chat, website, and jupyterhubs running.

  • Maintain this via the admin-notes repository.

  • Run discourse forums and Zesje instances for courses in our department

  • Keep an eye on the group’s docker environment.

Curator of the group’s website#

Current curator: Antonio

What I do#

  • Ensure the website is up-to-date.

  • Find people to write blog posts.

  • Advertise new content on Quantum Tinkerer’s Twitter.

  • Help the infrastructure curator to keep the website running.

  • Think about new ideas for the website.