Git Snippets#

Here is a collection of git commands/options that I thought were pretty cool. All of these were taken directly from the Git Book which I highly recommend reading through in order to supercharge your git usage.

Poor man’s gitk#

You can get a pretty log of the repo history with

git log --all --oneline --decorate --graph

You can also use watch to have an auto-updating view of the repository:

watch --color git log --all --oneline --decorate --graph --color

This is useful to keep in a terminal window as you are working to see what is going on with your repository. You can also use

git status -s

to get a shortened status of the working directory compared to the staging area, and use watch in a similar way.

Richer man’s gitk#

The program tig is like gitk, but runs in a terminal, which makes it ideal for visualising repositories on servers with no X installed. It can be used to browse the repo history, and you can set up keybindings to run custom commands from within tig itself (e.g. checkout the currently selected commit, cherry-pick, fetch, …).

Git aliases#

It is annoying to have to write out all those options every time. Luckily, git lets you define aliases that you can use like regular git command. If I first set up an alias nice-log by saying:

git config --global alias.nice-log 'log --all --oneline --decorate --graph'

then I can just say:

git nice-log

to get my pretty repo history graph!

Searching the repository#

You can search for a regular expression in all the files tracked by git with

git grep <regexp>

If you want to look through the history of the changes to a bunch of lines in a file you can use

git log -L <start>,<stop>:<file name>

to look at a log of the changes made to lines between start and stop in file.

Separating out your changes#

Try and make your commits into logical units. This is often quite difficult, and you will tend to add lots of little unrelated changes. You can use

git add -p file

to select which chunks of changes you want to add to the staging area. You can also do an interactive add with

git add -i

Checking whitespace#


git diff --check

to check for whitespace errors before commit

Contributing to projects#

Please, everyone, read the Git Book for guidelines on how to contribute projects (e.g. Kwant).

Working on several branches#

Say you are working on a branch (with uncommitted changes) and quickly need to check something else out in another branch (e.g. to apply a quick bugfix). You could make a “WIP” commit and then git checkout the other branch, but this is ugly and pollutes the repo history.

1st alternative#


git stash

to “stash” all the changes, then you can git checkout the other branch and do whatever work you have to do. Afterwards, you can git checkout your original branch and get back your uncommitted changes with

git stash pop

2nd alternative#

A little-known feature of git is that you can actually have multiple working trees checked out at the same time. For example, if you want to checkout branch br in a directory br_dir then all we have to do is

git worktree add br_dir br

and we can cd br_dir and start hacking away! We can list the currently active working trees with

git worktree list

Once we are done with a subtree we can remove it with

rm -r br_dir  # remove the worktree directory
git worktree --prune  # remove worktree metadata from git

Purging files from a git repository#

First, be careful; this can completely nuke your whole repository, so tread lightly.

You can remove the file passwords.txt from the entire history of your repository by saying

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -rf passwords.txt'

In general filter-branch will let you walk the whole history (starting from a given commit; the current branch by default) and apply a filter to various aspects of the commits (working tree, index, commit message, etc.). This could be used to, for example, to retroactively alter your committer email or name.

Because you are rewriting history, do not use this technique if you have already shared your changes.

Actually, do not use this technique at all. Forget I mentioned it. Seriously.

Nicer diffs#

If you’re using a sufficiently recent git, you can let it try harder to find nicer looking diffs by enabling these options:

git config --global diff.indentHeuristic true
git config --global diff.compactionHeuristic true