For newcomers#
Welcome to the Delft quantum tinkerer group#
Follow all the points on this checklist that apply to you.
Online stuff#
Join the group chat, introduce yourself in the main chat channel. Please use the public channels. Only use the private ones if there’s a need for other people not to read your message. is your jupyter computational environment. Try it, and learn jupyter.
Delft-only: Sign up for the group mailing list to receive various relevant announcements.
Delft-only: Write an email introducing yourself to theory mailing list (you don’t have to sign up). This is a mailing list of the complete theory group, not just Quantum Tinkerer.
Delft PhDs and postdocs (but everyone else welcome as well): add a group member page to the group website.
Edit the website contents at web IDE
Add yourself to the correct category in
at the bottom—the list is reverse chronological).Upload a photo of yourself into
Create a new profile page in
(copy the structure from anyone else’s page)Commit to a new branch and open a merge request.
Let @anton-akhmerov know (or ping him if anything is unclear)
Delft PhDs and postdocs: get an account on hpc05 computational cluster: ask @anton-akhmerov to do so. You probably won’t need it right away, but it’s best to do now rather than later.
If you’re using a calendar software, subscribe to (it’s an .ics link) or follow it online either via this URL or at
Set up ssh connections to hpc05 and io following the steps in the cookbook
Real world & bureaucracy#
PhDs and postdocs: Let the group’s admin Lizzy Groote (available Tue–Thu every week, F164) to guide you through the process of registering for the university if you are with Anton, or Jenny (, B001) if you are with Michael.
Ask Lizzy to assign you a desk and register your campus card for group office access. Students: ask Lizzy for a desk in a student office, keep Anton in CC.
PhDs and postdocs: Ask Maria to update your door sign, so that your name is on it, check that this does happen.
Ask Jenny to give your card access to QCLab.
Bacheror&Master Students: register your project with thesis administration (fill the Master’s Thesis Project application form). If it’s a Pre-Casimir track thesis, no Master Thesis Planning module is required, but writing a plan is recommended.
PhD students: make a PhD agreement with the graduate school.
There’s a daily (online) coffee around 10:30, and we advise to also attend it often.
We have weekly group meetings.
Entering the world of research#
If you are new to academia, decide which email you are going to use and stick to it. Something to consider is the difference between the university-provided email versus an external one. The university-provided emails are often blocked after you move out (Delft will delete your account 3 months after the contract runs out!), so if you don’t want organizations to lose contact with you, select an email that will stay under your control.