Adding external collaborators#
All steps are optional.
Git access:
Ask the collaborators to create account on kwant gitlab
Add them to the project if you have master access to the project, otherwise ask Michael or Anton.
Computation: ask the admins (Michael or Anton) to give the collaborators an account on the juno jupyterhub (requires an account on Kwant gitlab).
Ask the collaborators to join the external chat team at
Create a private channel in the
team with the same name as the project channel name that you’re using.Add collaborators to that private channel.
Add the channel name to the
at the bottom of this file and ask the admins to update the configuration. (Or ask them to add the channel on their own).
Mirror external chat
Set up a bot in the external chat (if it does not yet exist)
Open a merge request to . In this merge request:
Send Anton a DM with the token of the bot, so that he can add it to the encrypted variables.