How to organize a short visit#
Checklists for organizing a short visit:
Organizing arrival and lodgings#
Decide on the dates by checking with
@anton-akhmerov and @michaelwimmer
The visitor :smile:
Confirm the exact arrival and departure dates with the visitor, ask the visitor to book the flight/train
Ask the group MA [Lizzy Groote ( or Jenny ( )] to reserve a hotel and email the reservation to the visitor as well as the host. Necessary information:
Visitor name
Visitor email
Budget from which the hotel needs to be reserved
Making a schedule for the visitor#
Create a schedule on hackmd, such that group members can pick time slots for discussions with the visitor.
Feel free to use the following template:
# <Guest name>'s visit schedule
## Day
| Hour | Person |
| ----------- | ------ |
| 10:30-11:00 | Coffee |
| 11:00-12:00 | |
| 12:00-13:00 | Lunch |
| 13:00-14:00 | |
| 14:00-15:00 | |
| 15:00-16:00 | |
| 16:00-17:00 | |
| 17:00-18:00 | |
| 18:00 | Dinner |
If you are organizing a dinner for the visitor, first consult with Anton or Michael who in the group would be a good fit before inviting people.
Make a reservation at an appropriate restaurant (not a Michelin star place :pray:), and pay for the dinner, to be reimbursed via digiforms (keep the receipt!)
Presentation from a visitor#
Ask the visitor to provide the title and abstract of the talk
Ask the service point to reserve a room for the seminar (check room availability at We prefer room F or room E for seminars, F333 for applications (no reservation required). The reservation email should be sent from your TUD email, and must contain all of the following:
Which lecture room you want to reserve
Date and time
Title (e.g. “Seminar by XXX YYY”)
If the visitor is open to the idea, their talk could be a Virtual Science Forum Speaker’s Corner presentation. If they are, ask them to self-invite on the Speaker’s Corner website.
Add the presentation to the group’s calendar
One week in advance: announce at to the appropriate combination of QN theory, QN experiment, and QuTech mailing lists.
Start planning the program and the dinner
One hour in advance: send a reminder