Welcome to the Quantum Tinkerer group wiki!#
This is your reference for figuring out how everything is organized in the group.
If you see something missing, open an issue or fix it right away.
Overview of activity on GitLab#
Group meetings#
We have a weekly group meeting, alternating physics and software development topic each week.
The group meetings are organized via the Group meetings chat channel, which contains the zoom link and the meeting schedule.
Before the physics group meeting there is a short presentation of everyone’s recent activity, referred as minute meeting. Before the minute meeting a Hackmd link is shared in the chat channel, so everyone fills one’s outline before the minute meeting itself and don’t have to compose them on the fly.
Checklists and policies (read all these)
Daily organization
Useful advice
- PhD organization
- Using git
- How to deal with big files in your repository
- Making plots
- General coding advice
- Crash Course in Cluster Usage
- Quick Tips
- How to write papers
- Staying up to date with the literature
- Presentations
- Writing the PhD thesis and organizing the defense
- Adding external collaborators
- How to use IKA
- PGF/TikZ format for the plots
- How to claim expenses
- Running a hybrid talk